Monday, May 28, 2018

Moc Monday: The Legend of Anendra

Today for Moc Monday, we are featuring a stunning build by Malin Kylinger.  In what she named, the Legend of Anendra, we see a beautiful array of techniques and color that brings this storybook to life. I really love how she made the tale come out of the book as if the story really is coming out at you. As I have said, her use of elements is amazing, especially on the creature!

Make sure to head on over to her flickr page to see more of her projects and also give this a like! You can also head on over to Lego Ideas as this project is in contention to be a set one day! Let us know your thoughts on this beautiful moc in the comments section below!


  1. Thanks so much for writing about my build! I just found this today! ��

    1. No problem. We love to feature detailed and imaginative builds!
